Saturday, April 30, 2011

yeah i walked up stairs watching it build in 3d lol, i love my graphics, had to be mesh i saw, i cant see farther then mesh there,
i once asked, how do we know it was there if noone was there yet, seems it matched when someone else got there, so real seems really real,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I added immortality to my science mp3, be prepared to see me helping out spiritually all over the place.

Ill act like me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

harpers got the spotlight, wonder where we're steering it,
i love you earth....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

church is a treat......
WAS HAPPY TO SEE A DUTY PAID STICKER ON MY CIGS JUST NOW! Graphics was a main calling way back when.....
Just realized 9 messages a minute, and ive been in 10 times the amount of people! Chat room, when 'Only girls chatted!', back then....
Realized why people keep faxing bottoms, over 20 yrs old i just realized...
there may be 'more' by the time you add the slices of heaven...,...
happy birthday was made for her! make it known,
sales is satisfy a need? ask str8 up biggest problem right now, though i dont know medicine well enough for cant hold food down, dry nasals,
they are tellin us we cant arguwe with spirit (holy ghost?), and how can we....if we're not even close to them? word it emulation pls.....
found the cure to the heart thing, the element of distrtust removed, wait on it,
is 3d tetris here yet? may help build a game builders mind little bit.....
swear i have an idea of what to build, seems a HUGEEE white cube to live in, if need be, miles and stuff....
its all faith my spell app, you cant cheat in it >
thought mastering paltalk was not having to see the umpteen cams, just knowing the reactions way back,